Working with Alloy UI Taglibs

We can use readly avalible taglibs in our customportlet , Here are the some

1. If we want user to rate the content we can use "ratings" taglib as,

<liferay-ui:ratings classPK="12724" className="<%=BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>"></liferay-ui:ratings>

Here classPK is the  primarykey , here i am using the blogsentry so it is blogsentryid
className is the classname of the entry, wheather it is "BlogsEntry" , "JournalArticle" etc.

2. If we want to display the rating score

<liferay-ui:ratings-score score="2"></liferay-ui:ratings-score>

3. "Discussion" taglib mostly used to display the user comments

<liferay-ui:discussion classPK="12724" userId="10201" className="<%=BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>" formAction="fm"></liferay-ui:discussion>

Here classPK is the  primarykey , here i am using the blogsentry so it is blogsentryid userId is the userId of the user
    className is the classname of the entry, wheather it is "BlogsEntry" , "JournalArticle" etc.

4. This is useful to report the content as spam
  <liferay-ui:flags reportedUserId="10201" classPK="12724" contentTitle="contentTitle" className="<%=BlogsEntry.class.getName() %>"></liferay-ui:flags>

    Here reportedUserId is the userId of the user
    classPK is the  primarykey , here i am using the blogsentry so it is blogsentryid
    className is the classname of the entry, wheather it is "BlogsEntry" , "JournalArticle" etc.

5.  This is used to display the header
     <liferay-ui:header title="This header"></liferay-ui:header>

6.   This is also widely used taglib to add the tags for the content.

7.  This is useful to display the content in the tabs
   <liferay-ui:tabs names="table"></liferay-ui:tabs>

8. This is useful to display the date in the textbox
   <liferay-ui:input-date dayValue="04" monthValue="04" yearValue="1988"> </liferay-ui:input-date>

    here is have provided some value to display the date so it takes as May 05th 1988.

9. This is used to display the calendar
<liferay-ui:calendar month="09" year="2015" day="06" showAllPotentialWeeks="true"  headerPattern="dd/mm/yyyy"></liferay-ui:calendar>


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