How to know which liferay version we are using

Sometimes we have to know which liferay version we are using, so how can we know?

We can know the liferay version in different ways.

1. Liferay has provided some utility methods to know the which liferay version we are using , Here is the utility method


It prints this statement "Liferay Portal Community Edition 6.2 CE GA2 (Newton / Build 6201 / March 20, 2014)" as i am using community version it shoes as CE.

2. Also we can also identify by response headers as below screenshot. If your using the chrome, right click on the browser and click inscept element , and navigate to the network . you will see the URLS , click on the any url.

3. Also we can see during server startup as below statement

Liferay Portal Community Edition 6.2 CE GA2 (Newton / Build 6201 / March 20, 2014)


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    1. Thanks, All the best for your training institute.

  2. Liferay bundled with tomcat(7.0.49) is seen installed in linux machine. Could you please let me how can i find the liferay version. Any specific file that contains the version details?

  3. Super. Il existe de nombreuses méthodes pour savoir quelle version nous utilisons. Merci. Nous proposons des services Liferay Java. Contactez-nous pour plus de détails.


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