Adding Default Roles, sites and userGroup

If we want add the default "UserGroups" , "Groups" and "Roles" to the users, we can use the following methods to add.

This will ensure, when user is creating it will assign these "UserGroups" , "Groups" and "Roles" to the users

If we look into this "admin.default.role.names" in the , it has User and PowerUser added, So whenever user is created, these 2 roles are assigned.

Here for , we have added as CoffeGroup , so this group will be assigned automatically to the newly created user.

Note: Whatever value we assign to the property , this should exists in the Portal. i.e CoffeGroup (user group)should be exist in the portal, before creation of user.

1. UserGroup

    # Input a list of default user group names separated by \n characters that
    # are associated with newly created users.


2. Group or site and Organization
    # Input a list of default group names separated by \n characters that are
    # associated with newly created users.

    # Input a list of default organization group names separated by \n
    # characters that are associated with newly created users.


3.    Roles
    # Input a list of default role names separated by \n characters that are
    # associated with newly created users.
    admin.default.role.names=Power User\nUser



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