Viewing the lucene index files in liferay

By default liferay will index the files. But by default we cannot view the index files .

So if we want to view the index files flow the below steps.

So the default position of the index are <tomcat-installation>\data\lucene.

To view the files we need install the jar in the following location file called "lukeall-4.0.0-ALPHA.jar".

After installation go the installation folder copy the path and open the command prompt and hit the following URL as following image.

It will open the following Screen shot GUI as,

In the Browse option select the location of the lucene and check the checkbox (Force unlock,if locked).

In My local system location of the lucene index files are <tomcat-installation>\data\lucene\10154.

Click OK, then we can view the index files as below screen.

So here we can view the index files, which were liferay is indexed. Also we choose another location  in lucene folder to view the files.


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