Creating Scheduler in liferay - creating the scheduler dynamically based on the user inputs

As we know creating the static scheduler  is very easy as we  defined in the following url as

Sometimes it may require to create dynamic schedule. Liferay had some created predefined class.


In Messageboard portlet , Take a look at the MBMailingListLocalServiceImpl of  "protected void scheduleMailingList(MBMailingList mailingList) " method

              Calendar startDate = CalendarFactoryUtil.getCalendar();

CronText cronText = new CronText(startDate, CronText.MINUTELY_FREQUENCY,

Trigger trigger = new CronTrigger(groupName, groupName, startDate.getTime(), null,

                SchedulerEngineUtil.schedule(trigger, StorageType.MEMORY_CLUSTERED, null,
DestinationNames.MESSAGE_BOARDS_MAILING_LIST, mailingListRequest,


    protected void unscheduleMailingList(MBMailingList mailingList)
throws PortalException {

String groupName = getSchedulerGroupName(mailingList);

SchedulerEngineUtil.unschedule(groupName, StorageType.MEMORY_CLUSTERED);

Have a look at the TriggerFactoryUtil and SchedulerEngineUtil.

We can also Pause , Resume and delete the schedule.


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