Impersonation in liferay --- adding additional parameter (doAsUserId)

Liferay has great functionality of impersonation. Admin can impersonate any user and can see weather user can able to see the content.

So if we develop the custom portlet we should ensure impersonation should work.

So for your portlet when you create URL manually . Call portalUtil.addReservedParameter(URL , themedisplay); This method takes care of the weather to add  addtional parameter to the URL.


  1. It has been minimal over a year since I began dealing with Liferay. As an even entry, it does a few things and is genuine great at a significant number of those things it does. One such element is called User Impersonation and I can't let you know how overlooked this element is.

    More or less User Impersonation is a component which permits managerial clients to mimic whatever other Liferay client from control board client and association. What's more, this permits the authoritative client to see the entryway application as the individual they are mimicking. This is cool approach to investigate any client particular issues without doing a screen sharing or visiting the client.

    Presently, remember this element is accessible just inside of control board under client and association portlet. So every time you have to utilize this element you need to explore to control board first and once you have mimicked the client then you explore to the page where some investigating is required.


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