void and Void

void is a keyword which is used to specify the return type of a method.When a method return type is void,it means,the method is not going to return anything

Void is a class with private constructor,Hence we cannot create the object of such class.

What is the Use of Void class?
It is use to know the return type of a method,via reflection api.
Assume you have a Demo class with a show() method

public class Demo
public void show(){}

Now Based on the return type(If return type is void do something) else do someother thing
So the code to find out the return type is

Class c1 =Demo.class.getMethod("show",null).getReturnType();
 if(c1 == Void.TYPE)
//Some Business logic when return type is void

The complete program is

import java.util.List;

class Demo
    public void show()

public class VoidDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchMethodException,SecurityException {
        Class c1 = Demo.class.getMethod("show",null).getReturnType();
        if(c1 == Void.TYPE){
        System.out.println("Void return type");}
        System.out.println("Something was returned");}
Void return type

Note:You change the return type of show() to any other datatype,and you can see the else block getting executed


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