
Showing posts from March, 2017

Theme display in javascript

We know that we can access the themedisplay in java as ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY) But how can we access in javascript? Here we go Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getScopeGroupId() Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getCompanyId() Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPlid() Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getLayoutId() By this we can access the groupId, companyid ... etc

Get Text from language properties via javascript

We know that we can get the text from the properties as     you-have-processed-sucessfully = Your Request processed successfully.   JSP: <liferay-ui : message key = "you-have-processed-sucessfully" /> CLASS: LanguageUtil . get ( pageContext , " you-have-processed-sucessfully " ); But if want to retrieve via javascript , Here is the one <script>      <custom code> ---               ----     Liferay . Language . get ( ' you-have-processed-sucessfully ' ); </script> But this Liferay.Language will get from the Portal properties not from the portlet properties There is way to solve this problem writing Hook and specifing the properties.

Introduction to Selenium

Selenium is a free (open source) automated testing suite for web applications across different browsers and platforms. Different languages support by selenium Java PHP Perl Python C# ObjectC Ruby Javascript Selenium Versions Selenium IDE ( I ntegrated D evelopment E nvironment) Selenium RC ( R emote C ontrol) Selenium Webdriver Latest version is  Selenium Webdriver Selenium IDE  Implemented by shinya from JAPAN  Released in 2006  Functional  Automation tool supports only webapplications It is UI based and record/playback tool It is implemented plugin or add-on for the firefox browser Supports only firefox browser Selenium RC Implemented  by jsonhuggins from thoughtwork company Released in 2004 First automation open-source tool in the market It is Collections of javascript's. It's not a UI based, it doen't contain record/playback feature It Supports all browser and platform's Selenium Webdriver I...

Introduction to Automation

What is Automation A process of converting any manual test case into automation test scripts using some automation tools with scripting or programming language is called automation. Automation tools QTP [VB] - Scripting language Selenium : IDE[HTML] Webdriver : [JAVA/.NET/Perl/python] Commerical tools - Paid/Licenced based tools (QTP) OpenSource - Source code is avaliable in internet (webdriver) Freewar : Source Code is not avaliable but is freely avalible in internet (Playstore, SOAP UI) Types of Applications:   Web Applications: Any application uses browser or URL to open like GMail,FB,Flipkar  Standalone Applications: The Application which doesn't uses browser or URL to open like           M.S.Excel, Notepad Mobile Applications:  The Application which opens through Mobile. Under mobile Applications we have Native:Default applications available in Mobile ex: Contacts, Message.  Web: Application...