
Showing posts from February, 2014

Extracting/Reading the CSV file and TXT file and Writing the data into CSV file

Exacting the CSV file. String exactedFile = "D:\\Temp\\test.csv"; CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader( exactedFile ));  // Reading the CSV file . String[] row = null; while((row = csvReader.readNext()) != null) { // Reading the individual line                                                            row[0] // printing the first cell.                                  row[1] // printing the second cell.                           } We need to add  opencsv-1.7.jar in the class path. import; Reading the TXT file. final String file1 = "D:\\Temp\\creds.txt"; BufferedReader br = null; String sCurre...

Creating Scheduler in liferay - creating the scheduler dynamically based on the user inputs

As we know creating the static scheduler  is very easy as we  defined in the following url as Sometimes it may require to create dynamic schedule. Liferay had some created predefined class. Scheduling : In Messageboard portlet , Take a look at the MBMailingListLocalServiceImpl of  " protected void scheduleMailingList(MBMailingList mailingList) " method               Calendar startDate = CalendarFactoryUtil.getCalendar(); CronText cronText = new CronText(startDate, CronText.MINUTELY_FREQUENCY, mailingList.getInReadInterval()); Trigger trigger = new CronTrigger(groupName, groupName, startDate.getTime(), null, cronText.toString());                 SchedulerEngineUtil.schedule( trigger , StorageType.MEMORY_CLUSTERED, null, DestinationNames.MESSAGE_BOARDS_MAILING_LIST, mailingLi...

Creating tabs in liferay

In Liferay creating tab is very easy task. In our jsp , example as view.jsp <%@taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-ui"%> <% String tabValue = ParamUtil.getString(request, " tab ", "help"); String tabsURL = "/html/jsp/" + tabValue.trim() + ".jsp"; String names = "HELP,PREVIEW,PRINT"; String tabsValues = "help,preview,print"; %>     <portlet:renderURL var="url" />     <liferay-ui:tabs names="<%=names%>" tabsValues="<%=tabsValues%>" param=" tab " url="${url}"  />     <c:import url="<%=tabsURL%>" /> Here " /html/jsp/ " is the folder of the jsps where it resides. You can give your own name. Here we have given param name as tab . so we are reterving the parameter value in tab. In your class no logic will reside as sample as below         @Over...