
Showing posts from April, 2013

Liferay Portal Window States

By Default portal contains 3 window states 1.NORMAL 2.MINIMIZED 3.MAXIMIZED By default  portal state will be NORMAL. Liferay Supports 2 other states. 1.exclusive 2.pop_up

Liferay Portlet Modes

 By Default Portlet Supports 3 types of modes   1.VIEW   2.EDIT   3.HELP In additional to it Liferay conatins  1.About 2. Config 3. Preview 4.Print 5.Edit Defaults 6.Edit Guests

Portlet Container

The lifecycle of a portlet is managed by the portlet container.    A portlet container runs portlets and provides them with the required runtime environment. A portlet container contains portlets and manages their lifecycle. It also provides persistent storage for portlet preferences. A portlet container receives requests from the portal to execute requests on the portlets hosted by it.      A portlet container is not responsible for aggregating the content  produced by the portlets. It is the responsibility of the portal to handle the aggregation

Portlet LifeCycle

init(PortletConfig config)             It  is called once, immediately after a new portlet instance is created. It can be used to perform startup tasks and is akin to a servlets init method. PortletConfig represents read-only configuration data, specified in a portlet's descriptor file, portlet.xml(more on this file later). For example, PortletConfig provides access to initialization parameters. processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)               It is called in response to a user action such as clicking a hyperlink or submitting a form. In this method, a portlet may invoke business logic components, such as JavaBeans, to accomplish its goal. The ActionRequest and ActionResponse Interfaces are subinterfaces of PortletRequest and PortalRequest. In processAction, a portlet may modify its own state as well as persistent information about a portlet. render(RenderRequest request, RenderR...